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Autoinflammatory Conditions and COVID 19 Vaccine Recipients

The survey will take approximately 6 minutes to complete.

Under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR, 2018) and the Data Protection Act (1998), the information you share here is legally owned by you, not RACC – UK.

There may be occasions where RACC – UK may have to access your information for Safeguarding purposes, in compliance with our Safeguarding procedures. You will be told when this happens and how this happens.

Personal Data is information about yourself.
Sensitive Data is information about yourself that could change the way someone views you.
As identified under the General Data Protection Regulations (2018), this database will hold both Personal and Sensitive data upon completion.

Your personal and sensitive data is processed and stored onto the RACC – UK database, in the OneDrive workspace which is pass worded and only accessible to the Data Controller, Rachel Rimmer, who has completed training ‘Data Protection in the Workplace’ (November 2020).

For this database, we will hold patient information on for those who have received the COVID – 19 vaccinations. By being able to access this information, we are able to better support you, evaluate any side effects in particular cohorts and support others who may have questions about the vaccine for their condition and treatment.

By completing this form, you agree for RACC – UK to process your data onto the database. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time and for your data to be removed from the database.

This information shall be stored on the database for up to five years before it is reviewed. This allows us to be able to provide ongoing support to patients and families throughout this time. If your details change, you can complete the form and the old information we hold shall be destroyed within 5 working days.

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